President's Message, August, 2024

Let Your Passion Shine

I am honored to serve again as the President of Pathfinder Chapter for the coming year. We will unite in our Pathfinder community, and together will grow and become stronger in our efforts to find passion and accomplish our goals.

For some people, living their passion seems to come naturally. They throw themselves into the pursuits they love with no regard for what society expects of them. But it isn’t that easy for all of us.

Living life with passion means waking up each day with a sense of excitement and determination. It’s about pursuing what makes you feel alive and fulfilled and being true to yourself and following your heart. It’s about finding joy in the little things and appreciating the beauty of the journey. When you align your actions with your passions, you create a life that is rich with meaning and purpose. When you live passionately, you inspire others to do the same. Your enthusiasm becomes contagious, and you create a ripple effect of positivity and motivation. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and never underestimate the power of your dreams. They are the blueprint for a life well-lived.

Passion comes from the heart, not the head. Chances are, you already know what your passion is. You just need to connect with it. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new and different. Take that leap of faith, chase your dreams, and live each day with intention. Your passion is your gift to the world—embrace it fully and let it shine.

Be intentional and passionate with your actions and allow others to see the joy it brings you and the brightness that shines when you share it with others. This year, let’s find our passion and share it with others.

With Gratitude,

Robin Sawamura
2024-2025 Pathfinder President


August 2024 Newsletter

Find Your Way To Pathfinder Chapter

We meet the Third Wednesday every month live, online, via Zoom.

Networking and SetUp at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7pm
$10 to attend

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